Common Ankle Injuries in Skiers

Ski resorts in Eagle and Summit County are officially open for the season. That means another winter of fun on the slopes, but also another busy few months at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery. This is the time of year Dr. Elton and his team began treating an influx of ankle injuries from skiers.

Here are the most common ankle injuries while skiing (and how to prevent them).

Tearing Your Achilles Tendon While Skiing 

The Achilles tendon connects the heel bone to the calf muscle. It allows skiers to flex, bend, and push off during mountainside activities. When over-stretched, the Achilles tendon can tear causing an immediate, sharp pain in the back of the ankle.

Other symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture include:

  • Heel swelling

  • Heel pain

  • A popping sensation

  • Difficulty or inability to stand on your toes

  • Reduced range of motion while bending the foot downwards

The Achilles tendon typically tears due to weakness or overuse. This is because skiers usually spend the majority of their training conditioning the core, hips, and legs, forgetting about the calf area. In fact, Achilles tendon tears are the third most common injury in skiers, right behind knee and lower back injuries. 

Whether or not an Achilles tendon tear requires surgery depends on the severity of the tear. A mild sprain or partial tear of the tendon can feel similar to a sprained ankle and responds well to conservative treatment. However, it’s essential to get your injury properly diagnosed and treated by an orthopedic physician to prevent additional orthopaedic trauma further down the line.

Did You Sprain Your Ankle Skiing? 

Ankle sprains and fractures are other common skiing injuries. 

Sprains are less severe than fractures. These occur when a person twists the foot inward or lands on the outside of the foot. This causes the tissue in the exterior of the foot to strain and (sometimes) tear, leading to:

  • Pain while bearing weight

  • Inability to bear weight

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Reduced range of motion

Ankle sprains while skiing are usually the result of poorly-fitting boots. These can often be avoided by wearing snug ski boots that are properly fastened. 

Boot Top Ankle Fractures

Ankle fractures occur when the bones in the ankle joint are broken, due to impact or injury. This can sometimes cause severe, immediate pain as well as deformity, but can also feel like a bad sprain. 

The most severe (and common) ankle fracture on the slopes is the boot top fracture. This occurs when the forces exerted on the lower leg during a fall fracture the tibia (shinbone) and fibula (lower leg bone) of the ankle joint. 

Symptoms of a boot top fracture include:

  • Pain on the outside of the leg, over the shin

  • Swelling near the ankle joint or in the lower leg

  • Bruising around the ankle and lower leg

Surgery is almost always needed to repair this injury and bring the bones back into alignment, especially in adults. Recovery from a boot top fracture can take several months and often requires physical therapy to get you back to high-intensity sports. Dr. Elton and his team will ensure your rehabilitation plan is designed with your lifestyle in mind, ensuring you are able to return to the activities you love. 

Injured On the Slopes? Contact Team Elton Today!

If you suffer an ankle injury while skiing, contact Dr. Elton at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery today! He and his team will accurately diagnose your injury and recommend the best treatment plan for your mountain lifestyle.

Schedule an appointment by calling (970) 476-7720. Urgent care appointments available!