Why Do I Keep Rolling My Ankle?

Chronic ankle instability in a woman

Does your ankle feel unstable or like it might give out? Is it prone to rolling or twisting outwards during sports or even simple activities like walking? Have you had previous ankle sprains or injuries? 

If yes, you might be dealing with chronic ankle instability. This is a condition where the ankle joint is unable to support the weight of the body, leading to repeated episodes of rolling (spraining) your ankle. 

What Causes Ankle Instability?

Severe ankle sprains can lead to ankle instability if not treated properly

Chronic ankle instability is often the result of a severely sprained ankle that didn’t properly heal or repeated ankle sprains. 

When you sprain your ankle, the ligaments that support the joint become stretched or torn, ultimately weakening your ankle joint. Proper treatment and rehabilitation are essential for restoring your ankle’s strength, range of motion, and stability. 

If the ligaments don’t heal properly, you may experience repeated sprains – each one causing more damage to the ligaments and leaving your ankle joint very unstable. Left untreated, chronic ankle instability increases your risk of further complications, including cartilage damage, bone spurs, and arthritis. 

What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Ankle Instability?

The symptoms of chronic ankle instability may vary from person to person, but common signs include the following:

  • A repeated tendency for the ankle to roll outwards, even on flat surfaces

  • Your ankle feels persistently unstable, wobbly, or weak

  • Pain and tenderness on the outside of the ankle

  • Swelling 

  • Limited range of motion

  • Reduced ability to participate in physical activities

What Should I Do if I Keep Rolling My Ankle?

Dr. Elton explaining chronic ankle instability to a patient

If you are experiencing symptoms of chronic ankle instability, it’s important to seek specialized orthopaedic care. Dr. Elton is a board-certified, fellowship-trained physician specializing in ankle injuries and conditions like chronic ankle instability. 

He will accurately diagnose your condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the underlying cause of the instability and its severity. Whenever possible, Dr. Elton will recommend non-surgical options, which may include:

  • Physical therapy to regain strength, retrain muscles, and improve stability

  • Bracing or taping to stabilize the ankle

  • Anti-inflammatory medication to help with pain and inflammation

If conservative treatment methods provide limited or no relief or the instability impacts your ability to participate in the sports or activities you love, Dr. Elton may recommend surgery to stabilize the ankle joint, prevent further injuries, and ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome. 

Contact Dr. Elton Today for Expert Orthopaedic Ankle Care

If you’re experiencing ankle instability and want the best orthopaedic care in Vail and Summit County, contact Dr. Elton and his team at Vail-Summit Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery today. 

Known for his expertise, compassion, and customized care, Dr. Elton will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that factors in your lifestyle and goals and gets you back to the activities you love. 

Schedule an appointment today by calling (970) 476-7220 or submit a request using Team Elton’s online form.